Rustic Triumph in Cherry Sauce Accompanied by Apple Agresto from Vignola| Tradizione e sapori di Modena

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Rustic Triumph in Cherry Sauce Accompanied by Apple Agresto from Vignola

Recipe created at the Laghetto dei Ciliegi restaurant in Vignola for the 1988 Tempo di Ciliegie festival - kindly granted by the Agromela Association of Vignola.

Ingredients (Serves 6):

  • 2 onions
  • 1 kg of pitted Vignola cherries
  • 300 g of sausage
  • Apple Agresto from Vignola
  • Bread for croutons


Sauté the onion, brown small floured sausage meatballs, the size of a cherry. Infuse the cherries for a few hours with sweet paprika, a little chili oil, and Agresto. Drain everything. Add to the onion sauté, cooking for about 10/15 minutes, with the infusion liquid, binding with a bit of flour and cooking by adding more Agresto. Create a creamy sauce; toast the bread and place the cherry sauté on top, putting the remaining creamy sauce in a small bowl to accompany the dish.


Apple Agresto from Vignola

Apple Agresto from Vignola